Excelolife COVID-19 Initiative's mission is to build a united front of scientists, doctors, clinicians and researcher to work together to find concrete solutions to combat COVID-19 that will benefit patients and the public.

COVID-19 is a highly contagious and deadly virus. It is transmitted via the respiratory route and can infect the gastrointestinal tract.  COVID-19 is the most challenging health problem in our lifetime.  It is critical that we innovate products, develop therapeutics and treatments to improve patient outcomes and save lives.

In partnership, we can accelerate the pace in developing new medical devices, treatments and therapies that will improve patient's quality of care.  If you are in the medical field or work in the Biotechnology/ Life Science Industry and you are interested in taking on this challenge in eradicating  this virus and saving lives, please contact us.

Excelolife is extremely interested in working with industry and foundations (including research organizations and pharmaceutical industry) to develop sponsored research collaboration and establish partnerships to develop and commercialize technologies to benefit the public.

If you are interested in learn more about  the COVID-19 INITIATIVE, please feel free to contact us at: products@excelolifepartnership.com or Go to Contact Page.